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Tuesday, July 1, 2014

First week in Korea.

Hello again,

Sorry for not updating as much as i'd like to be doing, but holy cow have I have been busy. I have traveled to so many places within the last week and I cant wait to share them. But first let me say. Seoul is huge. There is so many places you can go and do something or see something that is completely different than everywhere else. I am constantly seeing new things, experiencing the Korean culture in so many ways that i just absolutely love the feeling of new surprises. The only complaint I have about Seoul after my first week, is there are seriously no garbage cans anywhere to throw away your trash. I walk and walk all over the place and can never find a garbage can. It is so frustrating because i hate carrying the 15 water bottles i am carrying from the 90 degree heat with 70% humidity. Other than that, this place rocks, tons of people, tons of food, everyone knows your tourist  so they ask you if you need help. The transportation system is so easy to navigate. It litteraly took me 2 days and I can comfortbly get somewhere and come back home now problem.The places however, are just filled with so much historical past time its just awesome to see. From North Gate, South Gate (walls that protected the palace that stretch across Seoul)  to th palaces. This place just has so much to offer its unreal. I have traveled to the Blue House (their equivilent of the White House, only called blue because its painted blue), The 88' Olympic villages, the world cup stadium from when it was the Japan Korea World Cup, to the districts that have songs named after them (Gongnam Style). We keep traveling and touring just amazing event venues and getting first hand experiences on how this country runs their arenas. Seoul has shown me a lot in a short amount of time and I am really glad I have gotten to see so many wonderful things. I continue to embrace and learn at every step I take and it has been such an incredible experience in such a short amount of time. I am going to try a lot harder to update more often, I just have been so beat from walking all over the place. Also, i am going to upload all my photos to Facebook under the album #CougsinKorea because its a lot easier to do it that way.  I am working on uploading some gopro vides within the next couple days that I will be so happy to share. But for now im going to stick to just blogging.

Until Next time (hopefully sooner)

Go Cougs

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